Tips for travelling with young children.

Tips for travelling with young children.

Planning a trip with young children.

Travelling with young children can seem like a daunting task. On the bright side, it does get easier the more you do it. Be prepared to run into challenges when travelling with kids. That is all part of the adventure.

A friend asked me the other day to give her basic tips to make things easier when they travel to Buenos Aires in a couple of months. They have a 7 month old bay and have never travelled with a child.

The first step is to be prepared and to plan ahead. Traveling with small children can be difficult but if you plan ahead then it will go smoothly and the family experience enjoyable. Always keep in mind that you are travelling with a small child and that unexpected things can happen.

Planning for extra time with children.

Planning for extra time is very important and probably the number one piece of advice that I can give parents with small children. If you are flying, allow for extra time to check-in, security checks and boarding the plane.

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Tips for travelling with small children

Pay extra for good travel gear.

Investing in good travel gear is important. It does not mean that you need to go and buy top of the range and spend a fortune. No, buy quality gear that lasts. When travelling with little ones, a good stroller is a must have. Children get tired quickly and you definitely do not want to carry the child in your arms the whole time.

Look for a stroller that is lightweight and that can fold up. An example of a good stroller are the ones sold at Kidsland and in particular the Cybex Priam stroller range. It will make life easier when travelling. Also, it is important to take into account how many times you will be using the item before you purchase.

Tips for travelling with young children.
An example of the Cybex Priam Range strollers. Image courtesy of Kidsland USA.

Have snacks ready.

Meal times are disrupted when we travel and children get hungry. Adults too! Have snacks ready especially when mealtimes are extended. Transportable snacks are handy and prevent cranky children from making a family trip miserable.

Accept that things will go wrong.

Travelling is not always smooth sailing. Keep the medical cards, medicine and emergency numbers close by. Allow for extra time, especially when they need to go to the bathroom, nappy change or snack time. Some things are totally out of your control. Most important is that you enjoy the travel experience and make the best of it.

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I have been fortunate to have done quite a bit of travelling. By heart I am an adventurer and I love exploring new places, cultures and food. Travelling can become stressful and expensive. Over the years I have learnt to travel as cost effective as possible, simply by travelling more clever. is a Adventure and Budget Travel site where I review Airlines, Accommodation, Transport, Restaurants and give helpful travel information.


  1. Dear Nelieta,
    Traveling with children can be difficult. I remember when my children were younger. Always allow for entertainment.

  2. Great tips and photo! Yes, it can be very difficult travelling with small children. A good stroller helps!

    1. Hi Linda, glad you like it! The game is called a Human Twister and it looks like they are twisting and turning without breaking the circle. It was fun to watch them.

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