Nueva Chevallier Long Distance Bus in Argentina
Long distance busses in Argentina are very good and of a high quality. There are many busses to choose from but for me “Nueva Chevallier Bus Company” stands out above the rest. I have used Chevallier many times over the last couple of years and I have never been disappointed in their service.
What type of class to choose when booking with Chevallier?
There are 2 different types or classes to choose from:
- Semicama or Cama-Ejecutivo. They are basically the same apart from price, space between the seats and how far the seats can recline. They also don`t serve food on Semi-Cama buses.
They serve breakfast and dinner on the bus with coffee and water intervals. All busses are fitted with air-conditioner and a TV where you can watch DVD’s. Unfortunately they sometimes turn off the sound and leave you with Spanish subtitles! There is also a toilet on the bus.

Travelling long distances in Argentina
I always recommend the Ejecutivo bus to people travelling in Argentina. The seats are luxury and very comfortable, the food served on the bus is excellent! They even serve Whiskey!
I have had people commenting that the Ejecutivo bus is more luxury than some flights! That really does say something about the quality of these long distance busses.
They travel to different places in Argentina but not to Puerta Iguazu where you can see the Iguazu Falls.
To book a ticket is very easy. Go to a bus terminal and find the Chevallier counter. They will help you to book your ticket and issue it immediately. You can also book a ticket online.
What to do when you have to change your ticket?
Changing a ticket is not a problem. I once changed my ticket 15 minutes before the bus was departing. I was expecting to pay a fine but the man was so kind and changed my ticket to the following day. I was very impressed. They also key your details into the system so when you purchase another ticket they give you access to the VIP room at the Retiro terminal in Buenos Aires.
This VIP room is very comfortable and luxury with big screen TV’s, internet connection and fast food service!
Los Servicios Suite Class están operados en su mayoría por ómnibus doble piso de motor Mercedes Benz 0-500 con carrocería Metalsur Starbus DP. Cubren cuatro trayectos de larga distancia: Retiro a Santa Rosa – Mendoza – Mina Clavero y Río Cuarto.
Estas unidades tienen capacidad para 26 pasajeros, butacas reclinables en 180 grados y más amplias que la de los otros servicios. Poseen cuatro televisores LCD de visión general y pantallas individuales en cada una de las butacas. Cuenta además con Wi-Fi, bar, toilette y servicio con auxiliar de abordo. Se sirve, de acuerdo a la duración del viaje y horario de salida/llegada, una comida caliente o snack acompañado de bebidas alcohólicas o sin alcohol, asi como también desayuno.

Gracias por la informacion Nelieta!
Hola Gabriela, de nada 🙂
I never thought I would agree with this option.
The service is really good. Thanks for stopping by Anonymous.