Stray dogs and bites.
It was our last morning in Koh Samui and I decided to go to the Grandmother and Grandfather rocks to take pictures of the sunrise. I left the bungalow very early and walked through the market close to the Lamai View Point.
Rows and rows of empty stalls were lined up in the market. Soon the vendors would appear and selling would continue into the evening. As I was walking through the market I suddenly heard a dog growling to my left.
It was not a big dog, a cross between a poodle and a puck. He was not impressed with me walking so early in the morning and flashed his pearly whites at me. I felt a little uneasy about the aggressive dog but decided to walk on.

The next moment he jumped from the carpet where he was lying and got hold of my exposed heel. I screamed when I felt his sharp teeth on my flesh. Luckily for me a cleaner was close by and saw what happened. He shouted at the dog and ran towards me. Before the dog had an opportunity to enjoy my soft skin he let go. The cleaner grabbed my leg and tried to ask me if I was bitten. Luckily I was not but I knew I had to get it cleaned and disinfected.
I am sure this dog has done it before because he looked like a trained professional.
This incident made me think. Here I was on a beautiful tropical island and on our last day, I got attacked by a dog. It never crossed my mind that a dog might attack me. To be honest, I was more worried about a coconut falling on my head! It really is a big problem when you get bitten by a dog.
What do when stray dogs bite you when on holiday?
- 2. Hitting the dog will also not help.
3. Try to find a stick or something big and push it into the mouth of the dog. He will start gagging and let go.
- 4. If the wound is not deep or serious then you could treat yourself without seeing a doctor. Wash it with clean water and soap and use an anti-bacterial cream. Remember anyone can get an infection and some people are more at risk.
- These categories includes:
- Alcoholics or people with liver problems.
- Diabetics.
- Older than 50.
- HIV or AIDS.
- If you fall into one of the above categories then you have to see a doctor as soon as possible. Don`t take any chances even if it is your own pet.
- In some cases you have legal rights and can claim compensation.
When I think back now I realize that I was very fortunate. My holiday could have ended on a very bad note if I was bitten by stray dogs.