Water light shows and fountains that mesmerize .
Water light shows mesmerize people. In fact, nowadays they are fixtures and operate on a permanent basis as part of the global landscape. We were strolling through the city of Barcelona when my eye caught a magnificent display of water and colours. It looked magical and I had to take a closer look. To my surprise this particular fountain is called the Magic Fountain!

The Magic Fountain in Barcelona and interesting information.
I am not exaggerating when I say that this water fountain was a mass spectacle of vibrant colours and techno-artistry. The effects were amazing and quickly drew a large crowd. The magic fountain opened on May 19, 1929. This date is significant because the designer, Charles Buigas, submitted his plans exactly one year before. They thought it was too ambitious. More than 3,000 people worked on this fountain and it was completed in less than a year.
It is a spectacular display of colour, motion, light, music and water acrobatics. It is definitely a “must see” when visiting Barcelona.
Water light shows and how they developed with technology.
A very famous show is at the Universal Studio Theme Park in Orlando, Florida. Behind the musical fountains you can experience life-like images projected on a water screen. The seven water screens create a facade of more than 150 meters behind the musical fountains and screening of the greatest Hollywood studio films.
Mylene Farmer created a spell-bounding effect when she built a water curtian into her scenography. This created a bright rain as a stage curtain. With the help of advancement in technology, we are now able to create modern versions that are building upon the beauty of many traditional fountains.
The correct combinations of water and light can transform a lovely setting into a place of magic.