Royal Gardens at the Prague Castle.
The Royal Gardens at the Prague Castle, was not on our list of places to visit. There are so many things to see on the grounds of the Prague Castle. Sadly, many tourists miss this beautiful and lush gardens. I am not sure how we managed to get to the gardens but I remember we got lost and wanted to make our way back to the castle entrance. The first thing that I noticed was the lack of crowds and how peaceful it was. It is really quiet if you compare it to other touristy places in and around the Prague Castle.

Fernand I of Habsburg commisisoned the gardens. He bought vineyards from families and started to design and build the royal gardens. The garden originally had a Rennaisance layout but today it contains both Baroque and English elements.
- Original Rennaisance gardens dating back to 1534.
- Located on the site of medieval vineyards.
- Rare Botanical specimens can be found here.
- Baroque ornamental flower beds.

Beautiful manicured grounds with exotic plants and trees.
Once inside the garden, it is time to discover all the hidden gems. I think you need more or less an hour to wander the gardens and soak it all up. We had luck on our side and wonderful, sunny weather. Grounds are beautifully manicured, and the flowers were in bloom. There are plaques in front of all of the trees, giving visitors a bit of education as to the names, species and point of origin of everything in the garden.

As you wander through the Royal gardens, you will pass the Royal Ball Game Hall, Belvedere (Royal Summer Residence built for Queen Anna) and the Singing Fountain that is standing in front of it. Some people say that this fountain, is one off the most beautiful fountains from the Renaissance period.

Dominating the skyline is the enormous St. Vitus Cathedral.
St Victus Cathedral towers in the sky and looks incredibly impressive from the garden. We wandered along the brick wall to get back into the castle grounds. It is a little path and at first we were not sure where it was going. From here you can see the castle complex. It is a spectacular view of St Victus Cathedral.

Royal gardens Prague opening hours.
The Prague Castle complex and grounds have hours for both summer and winter months. From 1st of April until the 31st of October the grounds are open form 6 am until 22 pm.
During the winter months, 1st of November until 31st of March, the grounds are open from 6 am until 22 pm.
Tripadvisor review : The royal gardens are definitely worth a visit – it has a stunning view, some picturesque places for some nice photos and the best thing is that it’s not overcrowded with tourists. Recommended!
Ooo beautiful!
Indeed Melissa!
Thank you!
Thank you Janaki!