Travelling with travel photographers in your group.
First of all I have to disclose the fact that I am a travel photographer. Yes, it is painful to travel with a photographer – amateur or professional. Photography is a serious business and we do take it serious! Fact is, we are not the easiest people to travel with and most of the time we don´t understand why people get upset with us.

You know you are travelling with travel photographers when
Photographers make people wait. It is not that we intentionally do that but you have to understand, it takes time to set-up the perfect scene. You have the composition, exposure, light, F-stops, shadows, focus and ISO to worry about. Many times I have turned around to see everybody back in the bus, staring at us because we are still trying to frame the image.
Photographers travel with a lot of gear. The first thing I pack when I travel is my camera bag. It is not a small bag and it contains all the things that I might need. Emphasis on the word “might”. I pack the portrait lens, telephoto lens and the macro lens. Yes, I need them all! The camera cleaning kit goes in too. Next the filters and don´t forget the tripod. I would rather leave a jacket behind than any of the above mentioned items. Many times I have nearly frozen to death because I left a jacket at home, due to insufficient space.
Travel photographers travel at a snail´s pace when walking in the city. Honestly, it is not that we are deliberately trying to be slow. Have you seen how many photo opportunities there are? Architecture, people, street scenes and patterns.Photographers see the world in a different light.
Photography gear is like holding a new born child. When a person asks to hold your camera you nearly die. Please don´t touch the lens, don´t touch the sensor, put the strap around your wrist and the list of instructions goes on. For us it is normal. Photography gear is expensive. I never put my camera bag on the floor. Never. I will put it next to me, on my feet or lap. I will admit it. My camera gear is my baby.
Travel photographers get up very early in the morning. Finding the perfect spot to capture a brand new day takes time. We get impatient if you are not ready and angry if we should miss that sunrise.
Photographers covet the lenses of other photographers. Yes, sometimes we openly stare.
Photographers are perfectionist and very hard on themselves. They also love compliments and it is very difficult to deal with criticism. Photographers are sensitive creatures.
Travelling with a photographer can be fun.
Photographers love to share their knowledge. Most of the time people are not interested but we share it anyway. You learn how to setup a tripod in a record time. You will be able to tell when the “Golden Hour” is approaching. You are the one who needs to play model, decoy, camera bag holder and companion. You start to learn camera language – ISO, aperture, exposure and F-stops.
Even though we are a pain to travel with, it can also be very rewarding. Imagine leaving very early in the morning and waiting for the sun to rise. Tripod standing on the beach, camera mounted and total silence. Then the first rays of light appears on the horizon and the silence is broken with the click of a shutter. No words spoken. It is beautiful to watch a photographer in action. They melt into the scene and when the moment is gone, the sheer satisfaction is evident for all to see.
Have you ever travelled with a photographer? What are your thoughts on the subject?