Russian Syrok or СЫРОК is a cheese product covered in chocolate.
Syrok is by far my favourite Russian sweetie and one of the first things that we buy when we go shopping. How can I best describe this delicious treat? It looks and taste almost like a mini cheesecake. You normally find it in the yogurt sections of the supermarkets and they are made from sweetened white cheese and covered in a layer of chocolate.
Syrok with a cup of coffee. That is the way I like it.
Cheese and chocolate?
I have often heard people saying that Cheese and Chocolate don’t go together but let me tell you – what a combination! I quickly got addicted to this sweetie and we always eat it with a steamy cup of coffee or after dinner. Unfortunately you cannot carry it with you and it needs to go in the fridge as it melts very quickly. If it was possible, I would have brought some back to Argentina.

The meaning of the word Syrok.
The word “Syr” in Russian means cheese but you will often find that the Syrok has caramel, strawberry,apricot or other flavors added with the cheese.
I mentioned before that I enjoy it with coffee but Andrey likes to eat it with traditional Russian yoghurt. They are so delicious and I was constantly drawn to the Syrok counter as I have a sweet tooth. I had to restrain myself!
Russian dairy products in the times of the Soviet Union.
I read a blog where somebody said that in the times of the Soviet Union the Syrok was filled with a plain filling called “Tvorog”. The flavored fillings were not available back in those days. Andrey mentioned that in Kaliningrad, they did not get Syrok as we know it now. It might have been available in Moscow only.
Russia in general, even to this day, has excellent quality milk products. The cheese, yogurt and other dairy products are of high quality and not expensive. Especially when I compare the prices to Argentina.
However, older generation people insist that cheese and cream were the best in the times of the Soviet Union.
Where to find the Syrok when in Russia?
If you are in Russia go over to the yogurt counter and look for the small packets that is called “Syrok”. Make sure you buy at least 5 because you will want to go back and buy more. Drop me a message if you have tried it. I would love to hear your opinion.