The heart shaped seashell

Miracles, religion and a heart shaped seashell

I left the hostel early and decided to take a long walk along the beach. It was a perfect morning for walking. A chill was in the air but that didn`t bother me. It meant fewer people on the beach and I could walk undisturbed.

I love people and being around them but for once I had the urge to be left alone. I wanted to walk, enjoy the sound of the ocean and the peace and quiet. I mentioned in one of my posts that I also wanted to make this a spiritual journey. I have been so busy lately and it was time to have some conversations with God. Now was the time.

I must have been walking about 4 kilometres and I am not sure why but I asked God to give me a seashell to always remind me of this special moment and what this holiday meant to me. I wanted a special seashell just for me.

I walked and walked but I knew with a certainty that I will be getting that seashell. I wasn`t sure what it would look like or where exactly it would be. For a moment I got lost in the beauty of the ocean when I heard a simple whisper: “Be careful not to miss it.”

It must have been another kilometre when a wave caught me by surprise. I laughed, looked down and saw this seashell right in front of my feet. Some people might say it is coincidence, I believe it was meant just for me. You see this seashell is really special. It is shaped in the form of a heart. God was telling me that He loves me.

I sat down admiring the seashell. I was such a lucky girl. I didn`t cry, I jumped with joy.

I have decided to make a fridge magnet with this seashell. I always bring home a fridge magnet when I travel and I take great care in selecting the perfect one.

This one couldn`t be more perfect.

Do you believe in little miracles like this? I would love to hear your opinion.

Where: Pinamar,Argentina
When: 22 March 2012

Seashell shaped in the form of a heart

The heart shaped seashell

I have been fortunate to have done quite a bit of travelling. By heart I am an adventurer and I love exploring new places, cultures and food. Travelling can become stressful and expensive. Over the years I have learnt to travel as cost effective as possible, simply by travelling more clever. is a Adventure and Budget Travel site where I review Airlines, Accommodation, Transport, Restaurants and give helpful travel information.


  1. I'll add one of my mail signatures to amplify your thoughts…Albert Einstein said: "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though EVERYTHING IS A MIRACLE." The facts are that a miracle is a natural event that occurs at a propitious moment. May every moment in your life prove propitious…

  2. Oh, yes, I believe God gives us miracles all the time. What a beautiful gift He gave to you and how perfectly you've written about it here. This is no coincidence; it's a God-incidence!Blessings!

  3. Wow! What a wonderful story! My grandma had struggled for years with Parkinson's Disease. On the day her suffering ceased, I was at the beach with my family. Just before we left, I found the most perfect Scotch bonnet shell. Whole. Complete. I knew then that my grandmother was healed. Thanks for reminding me of that moment.

    1. Hi Jennifer, thank you for sharing your story! What a wonderful and heart warming story. Sometimes the smallest things make the biggest difference! Thank you for visiting!

  4. Nelieta, this post was so touching. You are special indeed, not because you have written this post, but because you were so very aware and sure that you would get a sign. I think your faith was honoured. Thanks for this post of faith and miracle, Nelieta. And, little miracles make life worthwhile, isn't it?Joy always,Susan

    1. Hi Susan, thank you so much for your lovely comment. It really touched me! Yes, you are right. I did not doubt for one second that I would find a special seashell. I was just so scared I would miss it. It is funny but once I saw it I immediately knew this one was for me! Have a blessed Easter Susan and it is always nice interacting with you! xxx

  5. I really relate to this story. Miracles abound if we but open our eyes! The other day, while driving, I was praying to discern God's will. I took a route home I normally don't take. As I passed a "mega church" with a neon sign, I took note of what it said: "To know God's love." Yes. I do believe that was my answer.

  6. My dear Nelieta,Miracles can & do happen quite often. I'm just happy this little beauty of a miracle happened to you. It's a lovely shell. Thanks for sharing.

  7. What a beautiful story…and I love the picture! A moment that springs gratitude up from the heart. I think everything in life is a miracle, oftentimes we are just too busy to notice them.

    1. Hi Jessica, it is so true. We need to fine-tune our senses to the signs. Miracles happen all around us but sadly sometimes we don`t take the time to notice!

  8. Awwww this warms my heart. God truly gave you a special gift, a special message. Such a lovely miracle – a heart-shaped shell! It must have taken so many factors and much time to achieve that shape, and you "found" it among millions of others. I'm blest by this post, Nelieta.

    1. Hi AJ, this is special indeed! I will always treasure it as long as I live. I believe it was meant juts for me – perfect just like the Lord intended! Have a blessed Easter AJ!

  9. In my opinion, stories like this show what God meant when he said, "Ask and you shall receive." Thanks for sharing your story! 🙂 🙂 🙂

    1. Hi Rachel, so true! We always need to have faith and once we receive what we have prayed for never forget to thank the Lord! Thank you for visiting!

Thank you for visiting. Have a fabulous day!